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For our final project, we had to create a wearable medium based on the statement we choose.


We chose: 'Everything synthetic using nature is still original and natural."


We decided to do a crochet top (inspired by spaghetti straps), a chopstick skirt, a Yee Mee bag, a macaroni choker and a flower crown and bracelet to pair it up. 


Mind Mapping of Final Project in Idea Journal

Our Model with Our Final Product

Our statement shows in our final product because all materials used to make originated from nature. For example, the crochet top which was made from wool originated from the cotton plant, the chopsticks were made from wood and bamboo and the Yee Mee and Macaroni were made from wheat flour and eggs. Besides that, everything was handmade, including the crochet top which is why it retains the 'original' in the statement.  



I helped my group with the mind-mapping t-shirt.

The picture on the left-hand side is the front view of our mind map. It's a mind map of our final product- what it means and why are we making this.

The shirts are designed to connect together in order to make the noodles on our t-shirt spring/ branch out from the bowl. 

The picture on the right-hand side is the back view of our mind-mapping t-shirt. It's a small doodle of our favorite type of noodles- curry mee, Korean ramyeon, Panmee and a combination of past ideas we thought of for this assignment.





This is another mind mapping t-shirt I did.

The picture on the right-side is a mind map base on our group name- reasons why we chose 'ChineseNoodle' while the picture on the left-hand side is a drawing of our final product.




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