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I knew I wanted my IDJ to have a story. I wanted it to be personalized- something that represents who I am. So, I decided to take the idea of the idiom 'don't judge a book by its cover' into my IDJ.


What seems like a plain, normal notebook with a basic white paper covered and a printed, black, bold Calibri font on it- it's actually not. 




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When you flipped open inside, you'll see a bunch of doodles, pictures, and my flowers as well as leaves collection.


I was partially inspired to use this idea when I stumbled upon these few pictures I found online:



I really like the idea of having a surprise when you slice into something. So, I wanted to add that surprise element to my IDJ. Therefore, I thought using colors, drawing doodles and pasting floral components would make my journal pop a little more and give a contrast to what it looks like on the outside with their bright colors. 











My IDJ represents me. It documents my life's little moments, my tangled, messy ideas (that's why it's a little messy and the dates are a bit jumbled up cause I tend to randomly draw and write on any page) and the things that matter the most to me- my family and friends. ​











I hope this gives you a little more insight into my idea journal and hopefully, you'll enjoy reading my story and journey! 






A pocket full of thoughts is a section where I store printed pictures of my family, friends, and random snaps I took during my trip overseas.







I wrote a small caption/ message behind every picture and all of them in different languages- Korean, Japanese, Latin, Spanish, English and Chinese.



I've always had a fascination for languages and I wanted to show that in my IDJ.






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